Terms and Conditions of Use of this Mobile Application

All information is provided “as is”, without any representations or warranties of any kind, and AdjusterHub expressly disclaim all express and implied warranties including those with respect to accuracy, completeness, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose of the information on this Mobile Application or of any product or service referenced on this Mobile Application, unless otherwise expressly indicated.


AdjusterHub assumes no responsibility for any losses, damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, which arise out of the use or misuse of this Mobile Application howsoever caused, whether such damages arise in contract, tort, negligence, equity, statute or by way of any other legal theory regardless of whether such damages could have been foreseen. The information on this Mobile Application is subject to change without notice.


Independent parties develop websites that may be accessed from this Mobile Application. AdjusterHub is not responsible for the privacy policies or the accuracy of the information in such websites nor do we endorse products offered in those websites.


AdjusterHub does not represent or warrant that unauthorized use of information from this or other websites does not infringe on the trademark rights of third parties. Trademark logos used in this Mobile Application are clearly being used for informational purposes only and fall under fair use. AdjusterHub is not associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.


By your use of this Mobile Application, you acknowledge that AdjusterHub, its employees, heirs, directors, officers, agents, employees, representatives, successors and assigns, administrators, executors, and other parties involved in the creation, production or delivery of the Mobile Application will not be held liable for any damages suffered or incurred by you or any third person arising out of: (a) any fault, interruptions or delays in the provision of this Mobile Application; or (b) any inaccuracies, errors, reviews or omission on this Mobile Application or any product or services referenced on the Mobile Application, however such faults, interruptions, delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arise.


AdjusterHub’s liability, if any, shall be limited only up to the amount paid by the user for the products and/or services herein.


Privacy policy statement

At AdjusterHub, we take the issue of privacy seriously. We want to assure you that the security and confidentiality of personal information that you disclose while visiting our Mobile Application will be respected. Policies governing the protection of privacy on our Mobile Application are strictly observed and enforced to ensure this happens.


In our online access area, you may be asked to provide personal information that is necessary for us to communicate with you, to provide you with your training program and any other information that AdjusterHub considers may be valuable to you. Personal financial information is required to enable us to bill you for products and/or services you have requested. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information provided to AdjusterHub is complete and accurate.


Use of information collected

We use the information collected from you when you visit our Mobile Application to address your specific requests and to provide better customer service, including the provision of the latest information regarding our products and services. The information collected may also be used to document communications between AdjusterHub and our users and to comply with any applicable legal and/or regulatory requirements.



Like many other commercial sites, our Mobile Application utilizes standard technologies called “cookies” and clear GIFs to collect information about how our Mobile Application is used. A cookie is a small data text file, which a website/mobile application stores on your computer’s hard drive (if your web browser permits) that can later be retrieved to identify you to us. Cookies were designed to help a website/mobile application recognize a user’s browser as a previous visitor and thus save and remember any preferences that may have been set while the user was browsing the site/mobile application. A cookie cannot be read by a website/mobile application other than the one that set the cookie. A cookie cannot pass on a computer virus or capture any of the Personally Identifiable information.


Access to information collected

Certain employees will be provided with information about a Mobile Application visitor in order to fulfill that user’s requests and provide the user with requested information regarding specific products. Our employees are instructed to use strict standards of care in handling the personal information of our clients, and the use of such information is dealt with in our internal code of conduct. Employees who do not conform to AdjusterHub’s confidentiality rules are subject to disciplinary sanctions which may include dismissal.


AdjusterHub does not transmit any personal information collected through its Mobile Application to any third parties. Personal information may be transmitted, however, if there is a specific need to complete a transaction requested by the user.


Unauthorized downloading, re-transmission, storage in any medium, copying, redistribution, or republication for any purpose is strictly prohibited without the written permission of AdjusterHub.


All matters that do or may arise, in any way relating to the use of this Mobile Application, are subject to and shall be governed, construed and enforced exclusively in accordance with the laws of the country of the United States of America (USA), as those laws apply to contracts made in the USA, and which are wholly performed in the USA by persons domiciled in the USA and your use of this Mobile Application is and shall be deemed to be your irrevocable agreement to be subject to the laws and jurisdiction of your state in the USA.


If you have any questions about the protection of personal information you have disclosed on the AdjusterHub Mobile Application or it’s terms and conditions of use, please send us an e-mail to admin@adjusterhubapp.com so that we can address your questions as quickly and completely as possible.